It looks like we might need some new excuses for not eating our vegetables.
For example, with the recently introduced SproutsIO system, the whole “hassle” about accessing home grown tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and other food items that Seinfeld’s Newman once described as “vile weeds” could be a fruitless argument.
SproutsIO is described as a low maintenance, soil-free, smart micro-garden that utilizes an LED lamp, electronic mister and mobile app to grow vegetables indoors.
Everything starts with the SproutsIO device, which is equipped with WiFi connectivity in accessing a specialized, and potentially customizable mobile app that interacts with sensors to monitor the amount of water and light each plant type is provided.
The seeds for each plant resembles a disc containing the seeds and all the necessary nutrients. It is placed within the device, and, ideally, will be replaced on a subscription basis.
Once these seeds or refill is placed, and the device is connected to WiFi in order to receive growing instructions from the SproutsIOGrow mobile app, and the growing process begins. The app controls when the plant is misted with water and when the attached LED light turns on and off.
The unit’s sensors read ambient temperature, root temperature, lighting spectrum and intensity, electrical conductivity for nutrient monitoring, water level and humidity in making these determinations. This data is sent to a cloud database where machine learning software processes the data and provides continuous updates that optimize performance and plant growth.
The app then conveys this data to the owner so they know exactly what to do in caring for the plant and when to pick their fresh veggies.
According to the company, this process uses 98 percent less water than soil-based growing.
Depending on the plant, you’ll begin to see growth in approximately five days, with plants like tomatoes available for harvest after about eight weeks.
As of this recording, the company is just shy of reaching 90 percent of its Kickstarter goal.
Retail pricing on a SproutsIO unit with 6 refills will be about $800, with each refill running $15-$30, depending on the plant.