NEW YORK (AP) — Small businesses hired at a healthy pace in August after three dismal months, according to a report from payroll provider ADP.
ADP said its customers with under 50 staffers created 66,000 jobs last month. That was after adding just 1,000 in July and cutting 11,000 in June and 34,000 in May. Companies of all sizes hired with vigor last month, adding 195,000 positions, ADP said.
ADP's numbers are subject to significant revisions and can, as the August report shows, have wide swings. It's too early to tell if owners, who have been worried about the economy and feeling the impact of the Trump administration's trade tariffs, are feeling more confident about hiring. Companies have also struggled to find qualified candidates for their open positions.
But small companies have been hiring at a much slower pace this year than in 2018, and at a slower pace than larger companies. Small businesses have averaged 29,000 new jobs a month in 2019, compared to 52,000 new staffers a month last year.