ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Natural Light is nearly as ubiquitous as water around colleges, but its recent promotion targeting a Maryland college town has drawn the ire of the state's comptroller.
WUSA-TV reports Peter Franchot called for an investigation, asserting large brewing companies have corrupted Maryland legislators with questionable contributions and favors.
Referencing the 77-packs of Natural Light available briefly and only in College Park, Franchot said "big brewers like Budweiser who are selling 77 cans of beer for 39 cents each to college kids" don't like craft brewers. Anheuser-Busch owns Natural Light.
Franchot also said the stunt promoted binge drinking among young people.
Maryland's comptroller is responsible for taxing and regulating alcohol. Earlier this year, a legislative panel rejected Franchot's proposal to lift limits on craft brewers.
Anheuser-Busch didn't respond to comment requests.