How to Reduce the Impact of Labor Shortages and Streamline Warehouse Visibility

Today’s innovative robotics solutions help reduce the impact of labor shortages and help your business account for every product and possibility.

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Implementing robotics to help your warehouse operations won’t diminish human functionality, it will help boost it. This is because many companies have struggled to recruit staff, and manual processes for mundane tasks need to be more accurate and faster to keep up with customer demands. Heartland Q1 2022 Blog6

As a result, many companies are deciding to pair robotics solutions that accomplish mundane tasks, so human workers can focus on more pressing jobs. In fact, according to the Associate of Advancing Automation, factories and distributors in North America ordered a record 29,000 robots during the first nine months of 2021, a 37% jump from the previous year. Without proper technology solutions like robotics, warehouses could be short staffed and unable to be productive enough to meet demands. On the other hand, implementing automated solutions improves asset tracking and results in:

  • Reliable preparation for material demands
  • Faster shipments
  • Increased worker satisfaction because their time and effort is more valued
  • Boosted customer satisfaction

Today’s innovative robotics solutions help reduce the impact of labor shortages and help your business account for every product and possibility. Accurate inventory management reduces errors and improves inventory visibility since workers are more aware of the status and location of assets. Additionally, automated solutions optimize picking systems by assigning AMRs to pick-paths to free up workers. Automated workflows ultimately accelerate order fulfillment without harming accuracy rates, equipping teams with:

  1. Increased data accuracy and analysis with simplified visibility - Equipping your warehouse with robotics equips your workers with enhanced data visibility and asset visibility, so they can pinpoint which assets are coming off inventory shelves faster and locate those assets. Implementing robotics into your business equips workers with faster data access that turns into actionable insights to control quality, streamline processes, and optimize production. Incorporating enhanced visibility that allows you to see what’s going on across the supply chain makes workers quicker to adapt to demands and helps them make smarter decisions.
  2. Streamlined productivity and efficiency - Implementing robotics into your warehouse can reduce the time pickers spend walking around the warehouse by as much as 60%. This helps workers spend more time working on tasks instead of walking around the warehouse trying to locate products. Equipping your workers with real-time asset location means they can pinpoint important tasks and work on fulfilling them. This creates a more efficient operation because they aren’t left completing more manual tasks that robotics can accomplish.
  3. Reduced stress and reduced errors - Innovative robotics solutions help your workers by having a user-friendly design. Fetch’s robotics solutions are easy to implement and safely navigate warehouse environments. This helps boost customer satisfaction by reducing stress in your workforce. Also, using robots reduces the risk of mistakes in manual, routine operations performed in a warehouse. This is because these technologies ensure smooth information flows and boost visibility.

Todd Greenwald is the President of Heartland, provider of industry-leading mobile device management solutions. Enhance warehouse productivity with robotics solutions that streamline asset visibility. Contact us at Heartland today to see innovative robotics solutions.

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