Programmable Universal Panel Meters

These 4-digit instruments come with a five year warranty and are programmable for mathematical functions.


Bristol Instruments (Boston, MA) introduces the OM 402UNI Series of universal panel meters. These 4-digit instruments come with a five year warranty and are programmable for mathematical functions, including peak and tare, linearization as well as digital filters. Specifically:

  • These multifunction instruments can be used as voltmeters, ammeters, process monitors, ohmmeters, temperature instruments and display units. The OM 402UNI Series can be configured for eight different inputs.
  • OM 402UNI Series meters are available with 0.8 or 0.5 inch tall 3-color LED displays. Accuracy is to 0.1 % of range. Up to four relay outputs are available and can be turned on or off at preset load values. Three-way isolation is incorporated into the meters: power supply, input and output.
  • OM 402UNI Series displays are easily programmed for a wide selection of voltage, current and other input types with dozens of ranges including 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, ± 60 mV, ± 10 V, ± 5 V, ± 40 V, ± 500 V, resistance, RTD, thermocouple and linear potentiometer. Multiple ranges are provided for most input types.

Free software enables these meters to be programmed from a PC, settings file saved and exported to other units saving time.; 877-866-8500

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