Sonel Test & Measurement
Sonel Test & Measurement (Santa Clara, CA) has introduced a UV camera designed to facilitate the detection of ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted from dielectric breakdown in electrical distribution wiring, transformers, and switchgear. The UV-260 Ultraviolet Corona Camera features:
- The ability to “see” power being delivered over transmission or distribution lines — it takes video that detects and records potentially harmful coronas.
- High sensitivity to UV radiation over a spectral range of 240 to 280 nm.
- A built-in GPS to accurately locate and record corona-emitting sources.
- The ability to operate in full sunlight without degradation.
- A 5.7” color, LCD touchscreen with 26X optical and 12X digital zoom with dual image technology that can display both visible and UV images simultaneously. Audio input and the ability to upload recorded information via an SD card or video cable directly to a PC.
- PC software provided to facilitate creation of reports.
- A rugged carrying case.
For more information, visit; or call 408-898-2215.