Solve Mismatches Between Thermocouple Types

A thermocouple can be converted to two simulated thermocouple outputs, two DC process outputs, or one of each.

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The new APD 41390 series from Absolute Process Instruments (Libertyville, IL) solves problems with mismatches between thermocouple types and measuring devices. A thermocouple can be converted to two simulated thermocouple outputs, two DC process outputs, or one of each. This makes it useful to convert, split, isolate and transmit any thermocouple input for measurement, data recording and validation. Specifically:

  • Both outputs correspond to the input temperature range.

  • Automatic cold junction compensation is standard. 

  • When ordered with a mA output, it can be selectively wired for sinking or sourcing allowing use with a powered or unpowered milliamp device.

  • Full 4-way galvanic isolation make this module useful for ground loop elimination, common mode signal rejection, and noise pickup reduction.

  • Made in the USA.; 800-942-0315 

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