Intelligent Control for Pneumatic Pumps and Agitators

The advancement extends remote management to industrial paint supply and circulation systems with all types of finishing equipment.

Fw Graco

Graco Inc. (Minneapolis, MN), a leading manufacturer of fluid handling equipment, has launched Intelligent Paint Kitchen control for pneumatic pumps and agitators. The advancement extends remote management to industrial paint supply and circulation systems with all types of finishing equipment.

The Intelligent Paint Kitchen is a smart set of sensors, actuators and control modules that communicate with each other to optimize factory paint circulation and supply. It allows pump control (pressure and flow rates), tank control (tank levels and agitator speeds) and overall (remote) control. In addition to Graco E-Flo DC electric pumps, the Intelligent Paint Kitchen (IPK) now delivers closed loop pressure, flow mode and a new hybrid mode to these Graco pneumatic pumps: Endura-Flo, Glutton and High-Flo (with NXT/XL motor).

A new agitator profile controls electric and/or pneumatic agitators by:

  • Maintaining consistent agitation speeds.
  • Reducing speed according to the level of material in a tank.
  • Alternating agitator on and off times.
  • Setting production and off-production modes.

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