GOE-Amherst Stainless Fabrication, LLC (Amherst, NY) has introduced a spraying system designed to meet the latest ANSI Z50.2 and GMA sanitation standards. The system’s open frame design ensures easy access to all components and eliminates concealed zones. The sprayer can apply a top and/or bottom coating of numerous types of liquids and slurries including glazes, preservatives, oils, sauces, butter and flavor infused coatings. Specifically:
- Utilizing GOE’s proprietary VPLS (Variable Profile Liquid Spray) design the spraying system eliminates problems associated with plugging of spray nozzles.
- All liquid or slurry not applied to product is recovered, eliminating waste and saving on ingredient cost.
- A totally enclosed self-contained system hood and body assures mist containment providing a safe and sanitary environment around the spraying station.
- Clean up is a simple controlled hot water wash, sanitize and rinse, minimal operator intervention is required.
- All stainless-steel construction, Allen Bradley controls, available in standalone, portable and retrofit to existing line configurations. Other control configurations and options are available including an automated Assisted Cleaning System (ACS).
www.goe-asf.com, 716-903-8005