OES XYHG Multi-Axis Stages Motion Control

The XYHG model is the latest in OES motion control.

OES XYHG Multi-axis.
OES XYHG Multi-axis.

Van Nuys, CA – Measure angles or move to a precise angular position with a new series of high precision, XYHG Multi-axis Stages that can be integrated into new and existing applications from OES (Optimal Engineering Systems). The XYHG (Linear X-axis, Linear Y-axis, plus horizontal Goniometer) Linear Motion plus Goniometer Stages are available in stroke lengths for the X axis and Y axis of 50 mm to 1000 mm, combined in any travel length, integrated with +/- 10 degree, +/-15 degree or +/-45 degree horizontally mounted Goniometer. The lead screws of the X- and Y-axis stages with travel lengths up to 75 mm feature a 1 mm per-turn lead screw pitch, and stages with travel lengths over 100 mm have 4 mm per turn lead screw pitch.

The XYHG-01 Three-axis Stages with Two-phase Stepper Motors (pictured) have knobs for manual adjustments and feature 10-micron resolution with a 10 Micro-Steps-per-Step Step Motor Driver. The knobs on the XYHG-04 stage can be replaced with incremental Quadrature Optical Encoders for position verification. Additionally, the XYHG-02 has Three-Phase Brushless Servo Motors with Quadrature Optical Encoders, and the XYHG-03 with Brushed DC Servo Motors with Quadrature Optical Encoders are options for Closed Loop servo operation offering greater resolution, accuracy, repeatability, and higher travel speeds.

These stages are the ideal choices for:

  • Crystallography.

  • Metrology.

  • Light measurement.

  • Mirror positioning.

  • Laser scanning.

  • Drilling and machining.

  • Reverse engineering.

  • Inspection.

  • Assembly.

  • Measurements, tracking inspection and optical bench applications.

The stages feature crossed roller travel guides and the Goniometer tables have a precise pattern of threaded mounting holes. The stages are compatible with the OES line of Multi-axis Controllers, and are available as a complete Plug-and-Play system, including a Joystick, or Trackball, and Keypad.

For more information, visit https://www.oesincorp.com/.

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