Belt Alignment Control Made Simple

This belt alignment control has dry, unpowered 20 amp SP/DT microswitches, or 15 amp DP/DT microswitches, to allow control of four separate output functions.

Conveyor Components Sized 5925cb95654ed

The model TA (Tilt Action) belt alignment control by Conveyor Components Company (Croswell, MI) is a rugged and dependable device for use on most belt conveying systems and wastewater filter presses, biomass transfer conveyors or other associated equipment. The model TA is available in weatherproof or explosion-proof enclosures, with 120 VAC or 240 VAC input power rated microswitches. This belt alignment control has dry, unpowered 20 amp SP/DT microswitches, or 15 amp DP/DT microswitches, to allow control of four separate output functions. Additional features include:

  • Bi-directional capability.
  • A red-colored roller, which is highly visible from a distance.
  • Field settable trip points, with a simple set screw adjustment on the cam.
  • A cast aluminum housing, with optional epoxy coating available for corrosive environments.; 800-233-3233

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