RSC50 Tool Storage Products

Consider a wide selection of 10 pre-packaged sets or the available option of designing a system to fit your exact space.


BETA Tools (Columbia, PA) introduces the new RSC50 system of stationery and mobile tool storage products. Manufactured in Italy and available in the U.S. the RSC50 incorporates professional features into a wide selection of 10 pre-packaged sets or the available option of designing a system to fit your exact space, storage, and mobility requirements.

Built to take the hard knocks of everyday professional use, the RSC50 series is characterized by the unique Beta style. The new matte finish, anthracite grey, the new heavy-duty aluminum handle system, and a wide range of accessories make the RSC50 workshop equipment look modern and professional. 

BETA Tools storage product line contains over 30 mobile and stationary base units that can be configured into unlimited configurations., 717-449-5044

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