Fluke Process Instruments (Everett, WA) has extended its series of Thermalert 4.0 spot pyrometers to include new shortwave sensors as well as additional interface options. With three new spectral models–measuring at wavelengths of 1 µm, 1.6 µm, and 2.3 µm, respectively–the full Thermalert 4.0 lineup can measure temperatures between -40°C and 2,300°C and is ideal for applications where non-contact temperature monitoring is critical, such as metal, steel or glass.
Additionally, Fluke Process Instruments has introduced several fieldbus interface options (Ethernet, Ethernet/IP and Profinet IO) to all its new and existing Thermalert 4.0 models, allowing manufacturers to seamlessly integrate the pyrometer with their system so they can sample more data, ensure faster processing times and more. The Thermalert 4.0 series of spot pyrometers also provides manufacturers with additional benefits:
- Compact and rugged, Thermalert 4.0 provides best-in-class repeatability, response time, and accuracy.
- The advanced IP65/NEMA4 instrument employs real-time background temperature compensation and laser aiming.
- System software supports remote configuration, monitoring, field calibration, and firmware updates–lowering service costs and time spent on setup and troubleshooting.
- Plug & play operation further facilitates installation and maintenance.
- Reliable and easy to operate, Thermalert 4.0 delivers outstanding optical resolution.
- Two-wire loop-powered RS-485 and analog outputs are available to meet diverse user requirements.
- Galvanic insulation ensures correct readings.
www.flukeprocessinstruments.com; 800-443-5853