Nanotech Coating for Hazardous Enclosures

The new coating boosts protection from ultraviolet radiation and dissipates static electric charges to protect against sparking.

Intertec 592727dc46d6e

Intertec (Sarnia, Ontario) is offering a new antistatic surface coating treatment for its GRP (glassfiber reinforced polyester) outdoor enclosures. Developed by BÜFA, the new nanotechnology-based coating boosts protection from ultraviolet radiation. Dubbed GO-Antistatic, it’s based on an advanced carbon nanotube material that is applied as part of a surface gelcoat. The nanomaterial also provides a degree of conductivity that dissipates any static electric charges safely to ground - to protect against sparking. The new coating uses single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) to provide the required conductivity, and because they’re only 1-2 nanometers in diameter, there is greater smoothness at the surface level of the coating. This composition also allows for more colors to be offered, and for the original color to last longer.;

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