UV LED Curing for Fiber Optics

This compact, air-cooled UV LED curing system can be easily integrated into existing or new production lines, and is ideal for optical fiber coating or marking applications.

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Excelitas Technologies Corp. (Waltham, MA) has expanded its OmniCure product line with a higher power UV LED curing system for fiber optic coatings. The new OmniCure AC8225-F+ features a custom optical design that provides outstanding optical performance over longer working distances – a typical requirement for fiber coating processes. With high peak irradiance and exceptional efficiency, the system supports increased line speeds and enables customers to realize significant cost savings from reduced electricity consumption. This compact, air-cooled UV LED curing system can be easily integrated into existing or new production lines, and is ideal for optical fiber coating or marking applications, as well as other applications such as display bonding. Features include:

  • High peak irradiance of up to 16W/cm2  at 10-15mm working distances, as well as superior uniformity for rapid, even curing with greatly reduced power consumption compared to traditional lamp solutions, or other LED products.
  • An optional replaceable window for added protection, while supporting the ability to adjoin multiple UV LED systems without compromising on optical uniformity between each curing system.

www.excelitas.com/OmniCure; 800-775-6786

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