With its Edge Edition, Kassow Robots has launched the world’s first 7-axis cobots in which the controller is integrated into the base of the robot. All five of the 7-axis cobots are now available in two versions: the classic variant with a separate controller and the Edge Edition.
Kristian Kassow and the engineering team miniaturized the controller so that it now only occupies around 10% of the volume of the external controller. The footprint of the Edge edition’s base is extremely compact, measuring only 160 by 200 millimeters.
These cobot models are powered by direct current, meaning that they can be directly connected to any DC power supply, for example a battery of mobile robots. There are also easily accessible 60 IO connections. With these new models, the Copenhagen-based cobot manufacturer is making it easier for industrial companies to automate their operations. At the same time, their lightweight robots open up new opportunities for mobile cobot AMR and cobot AGV applications and various space-saving solutions.
“The Edge Edition of our 7-axis cobots is a world first, enabling industrial customers to take a quantum leap in terms of flexible automation. Integrating the controller into the robot’s base delivers additional space savings and simplifies integration at the same time," Kassow Robots CEO Kristian Kassow said. "The Edge Edition is ideal for simplifying mobile cobot applications, not least because it can be connected directly to the power supply of AGVs or AMRs. These mobile solutions hold tremendous potential for industrial automation."
More flexibility for SMEs
“Additional floor space in production facilities comes with a heavy price tag and is sometimes not available at all. We make sure that automation can be implemented more flexibly in less space for companies of all sizes,” says Dieter Pletscher, Global Sales Manager at Kassow Robots.
Companies that cannot expand or reconfigure their production facilities also benefit from the capabilities offered both by the Edge Edition and the five existing 7-axis cobots. Kassow Robots believes that these are especially useful for established SMEs with no additional production space that would prefer to avoid the costs of expansion.