Drones Could Speed Recovery from Harvey

A big part of this region's recovery will be the role insurance firms can play in delivering claim checks in a timely manner.

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Once the rains and winds attributed to Hurricane Harvey finally subside, it will be vitally important to the manufacturers, processors, distributors and others impacted by the storm to begin their rebuilding process. A big part of this will be the role insurance firms will play in inspecting the sites of their customers and delivering claim checks in a timely manner.

To speed up inspection processes and reduce labor costs, some insurers have started using drones to assist human workers in inspecting property damages. The drone’s navigational capabilities will be especially helpful with the number of roads that will be inaccessible, and the amount of standing water that will still be in place next week.

Not only will drone technology allow people to get back on their feet more quickly, but drone manufacturers could also see an uptick in business. According to a report from Business Insider, only 20 percent of global property insurers currently use drones to inspect damaged properties, but in the aftermath of events such as this, and the related efficiencies these insurers are expected to experience, that number is projected to climb.

As these new drones are produced, they will also need advanced analytics, image capture and controls, as well as mapping software so Insurers can have accurate maps and easily controllable cameras at their disposal. If this is realized, insurance companies could one of the leading drivers as annual drone spending is projected to reach $12 billion by 2021.

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